Most Integrated Design Awards for students at the TU Delft: MEGA 2022
It was an exciting finale; the battle for the “most integrated design award” of MEGA 2022. Of the 9 student teams of the TU Delft, team 8 was the best and won the prize, with their smart and effective design for the mega high rise building. After months of working on and improving their design, the teams presented their final ideas to the jury, consisting of TU Delft professors and field professionals. The main focus of the jury was whether the designs were fully integrated, with all of the different disciplines equally represented. So, whether all architectural, construction, installation and financial aspects were sufficient. Furthermore, they looked at the sustainability of the designs and whether they were actually feasible. Team 8 came out on top with their design.
2022s challenge
MEGA 2022s location is a special one. Unlike previous years, where an inner-city location was the go-to, this year’s location is the Slufter on the southwestern part of the Maasvlakte. The Slufter is a 250-hectare depot meant for contaminated dredged material between the North Sea and Rotterdam Harbour. In this landscape with nature on one side and the harbour on the other, a multi-functional building covering 145.000m2 will be built. The integrated design has to contain the following: An algae lab (25.000m2), a distribution centre (25.000m2), a data centre (25.000m2), a hotel and restaurant (20.000m2), residences (20.000m2), offices (20.000m2) and general services (10.000m2).
The winners
After a long two years of online presentations, it was refreshing to meet in person again at the Architecture Faculty. Each team had a 30-minute time slot for their presentation, after which there was room for questions, feedback and points of attention from professors of the MEGA2022 minor and several field specialists. What’s new this year are the creative and short pitches by every group, to persuade the jury that they are the best.
“It is exciting to see the enthusiasm with which the students started the design challenge”, says colleague Marco Breman who, together with Rico Theunissen, is this year’s supervisor for installation engineering. Although multiple teams have come up with interesting and original solutions, one team stood out with their integrated design. “Team 8 is the winner if you ask us, they managed to bring each discipline equally into their design, not neglecting a single part of the challenge. They succeeded in creating a design in which the energy flows, realistic integration of the installations and positioning of several user functions were all thought of in relation to each other. Another pro of their design was that it was future proof, meaning that the different functions can easily be modified.”, says Rico Theunissen.
The winners received a surprise weekend away in Rotterdam. Techniplan Adviseurs has sponsored this price for years, to let future designers get a taste of creating integrated designs and think out of the box to find sustainable solutions. Besides the “most integrated design” award, the “most innovative design”, “most innovative fire safety” and “most innovative computational design process” were handed out. Through this message, we want to thank all the teams for participating and we want to congratulate team 8 for winning!
Winning team: Sander Velsink, Gabriella Consoli, Hanco Bor, Yara Ibrahim, Nathanael Tzoutzides, Juan Gómez, Geert Vos, Sagar Oke, Naeem Kantawala
Effectieve maar vooral duurzame oplossingen
Installaties maken een steeds belangrijker deel uit van onze gebouwde omgeving. Ze zorgen voor verwarming, koeling, verlichting, verbinding en communicatie – essentiële functies voor gebieden en gebouwen en hun gebruikers. Om die reden moet er vanaf het begin van de planontwikkeling goed over na worden gedacht. Onze medewerkers bevinden zich vaak bij het eerste initiatief al aan tafel en adviseren door plaatsvervangend denken over concepten, oplossingen en alternatieven. Daarbij brengen ze hun kennis in over alle fasen van het proces: van ontwerp en ontwikkeling, via de uitvoering tot en met beheer en exploitatie.
Effectieve maar vooral duurzame oplossingen
Installaties maken een steeds belangrijker deel uit van onze gebouwde omgeving. Ze zorgen voor verwarming, koeling, verlichting, verbinding en communicatie – essentiële functies voor gebieden en gebouwen en hun gebruikers. Om die reden moet er vanaf het begin van de planontwikkeling goed over na worden gedacht. Onze medewerkers bevinden zich vaak bij het eerste initiatief al aan tafel en adviseren door plaatsvervangend denken over concepten, oplossingen en alternatieven. Daarbij brengen ze hun kennis in over alle fasen van het proces: van ontwerp en ontwikkeling, via de uitvoering tot en met beheer en exploitatie.